
White Russian, Schapp der Effekteraum

Invitation for the cocktail reception of White Russian, exhibition project with Julia Scheuermann
Schapp der Effekteraum, Stuttgart, Germany

The logo, created for the project, reappears throughout the show - stamped on the invites, shaved into fur jackets or placed on other objects.
The paper cups were handed out as invites to people who were asked to bring them to the opening night to be filled with 'White Russian' cocktails.

Press Release 'White Russian':
'White Russian: 2 shots of vodka, 1/2 shot coffee liqueur, 1 1/2 shots of cream.
The exhibition 'White Russian' is a collaborative project between the architect Julia Scheuermann and the artist Michaela Braun. The motivation for this show is a collaboration between people from two different professions working in another, unfamiliar discipline.
The exhibiton preceded an extensive sewing workshop during which ancient costumes and clothing patterns have been researched and re-applied onto contemporary clothing. Aim was not to acquire technical perfection in the craft of sewing, but rather a theoretical preoccupation with the subject of clothing in an area such as White Russia that is known as an amalgamation between tradition and modernity, a junction of eastern and western cultures.

For the exhibition, Braun and Scheuermann applied historical styles onto contemporary clothing, often using ,fabric- classics' such as pin striped and camouflaged materials as well as referencing both, eastern and western fashion icons such as the trench coat or the shemagh. (palestinian scarf) These were then incorporated into new,fusion-costumes'.
The exhibition visually operates within the realm of fashion, an area which somehow is art-related but rarely finds access into the gallery world.
jm - Scheuermann and Braun, 2002.'